Careful Urban Regeneration Strategy and Its Implement Protection: Case Study of Spandauer Vorstadt

Yang Bo, Chen Keshi

Keywords: Careful Urban Regeneration; Implement Protection; Spandauer Vorstadt; Berlin


After World War II, Berlin embarked on a rapid and long road of urban renaissance, the upgrading of the old city area which is the need to focus on solving problems. In recent 20 years, the Berlin government adopted the strategy of careful urban regeneration, then the historical features greatly restored, infrastructure completed, environment improved. So,

this article takes the case of Spandauer Vorstadt as an example, comprehensively analyzes the concept and principle of careful urban regeneration, meanwhile, research the strategy of implement protection about funds, public participation, laws and regulations. And the experience of Berlin careful urban regeneration can offer some guiding principles to old cities’ development in China.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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