“Commuter town” Construction in Japan: A Case Study of Tama New Town, Japan

Zhang Beibei, Liu Yungang

Keywords: Commuter Town; Urban Regime; Urban Development; Tama New Town; Japan


Despite the “congenital deficiencies” of “commuter towns”, many

commuter towns were planned and built around the world.,0In 1960s-70s,

when Japan was in the period of rapid economic growth and urbanization,

many commuter towns were constructed in the suburb of metropolitan areas.

From the perspective of urban regime, this research adopts a case study

of Tama New Town in Tokyo to explore the reasons and mechanisms of

the construction of commuter towns. We focus on the role of stakeholders

involved in the process and their interactions with each other. The research

shows that, it is the national government that intended to build commuter

towns. The direct purpose is to solve the problem of housing shortage in

the center of metropolitan areas, but the fundamental purpose is to sustain

the rapid growth of employment and economy in the center of metropolitan

areas so as to ensure the rapid growth of national economy. However, the

long-term local sustainability and the residents’ living quality were neglected.

Furthermore, with comparison to commuter towns in Chinese cities, the

research points out the enlightenments to China.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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