DOI: 10.22217/upi.2016.316
Analysis on the Governance Mechanism of the Multigenerational Housing Communities from the Perspective of Actor Network: A Case Study of Ledo Multigenerational Housing in Cologne, Germany

Peng Yinong, Zhou Suhong

Keywords: Multigenerational Housing; Community Governance; Actor-Network Theory; Germany


Aging has already become a global issue. How to improve service for elderly people is one of the most popular topics in local policy. The program of Multigenerational Housing is a German policy aimed at aging problems. It develops rapidly in recent years and receives positive social response. The governance mechanism of Multigenerational Housing is an important guarantee of its success. The article studies the case of Ledo Multigenerational Housing in City Cologne, Germany. Under actor-network perspective, the research works on actors, translation process and network of multigenerational housing, and tries to expose the system of community construction and operation. The research indicates that based on multigenerational residents, Ledo community takes measures in different aspects to make use of its active multigenerational culture and to avoid the risk of conflicting demands and cultural barriers. In the end, the article learns from the unique government model of multigenerational housing and comes up with some advices for the construction of the aging society in China.


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