DOI: 10.22217/upi.2017.233
The Research on the Governance of Stock Construction Land in the Pearl River Delta Region Based on Corporatism: A Case Study of Panyu Distrcit, Guangzhou

Guo Xu, Yan Yaqi, Tian Li

Keywords: Corporatism; Stock Construction Land; Spatial Governance; Institutional Transformation‘; Three Old’ Redevelopment


This paper analyzes the policies and practices of stock construction land redevelopment in the Pearl River Delta Region (PRD), explores the institutional arrangements and studies the implementation results. It is found that the transformation of spatial governance structure led to the change of stock construction land governance. This paper uses corporatism as a tool to develop the framework of policy analysis and studies the evolution of stock construction land governance in Panyu District, Guangzhou. During the process of institutional transformation characterized by decentralization, the roles that the government, market and society played in the spatial governance were always changing, from ‘state corporatism’ to ‘local corporatism’ and then ‘social corporatism’. In different phases, the feature of redevelopment policies and practices varied. The ones based on the state corporatism legalized the illegal construction land and abandoned the monopoly on the primary land market while the ones based on local corporatism allowed the government to play the leading role suppressing the market and social forces, but resulted in the slowdown of redevelopment. As the social forces rose, the real estateoriented redevelopment finally changed into the living environment-oriented one with the

goal of comprehensive improvement.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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