DOI: 10.22217/upi.2017.063
Exploration of the Streamlined Urban Growth Boundary Method in Oregon and Its Potential Applications to China

Ye Yumin, Rachel Tochen, Wang Chenyue

Keywords: Urban Growth Boundaries (UGB); Streamlined UGB; Policy Research; Oregon


Control of urban sprawl, intensification of urban development, and smart growth all play an important task in promoting the new urbanization form. Urban development boundaries have become an important piece of policy to control urban sprawl, which has spread quickly throughout the country. In order to support China’s delineation of urban development boundaries, this paper focuses on introducing and evaluating Oregon’s latest streamlined urban growth boundary (UGB) method. The streamlined UGB method is based on scientific data, composed of a series of standardized measures, regulated by rules in detail, and supported by the regulatory and social environments to ensure its implementation. The streamlined method reflects a coordinated approach to growth management, balance between supply and demand, and integration of permanent and elastic boundaries; these elements provide an opportunity for China to study and learn from to potentially apply to their urban growth boundary development and implementation. This paper puts forth aspects of the streamlined UGB method that can potentially apply to China’s case, such as: China should reacquaint the essence of UGB and use related tools flexibly; and to encourage public participation throughout the planning process; constructing the legal foundation for UGB, and perfect its supervision; consummating the policy system of UGB and promoting interdepartmental and intergovernmental cooperation; in the premise of getting rid of land finance path, we should take the analysis of land inventory cost into UGB consideration, to promote the event-driven model in the future UGB applications; the uniform technical standards and objective scientific information is the key and bond to realize the above target.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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