DOI: 10.22217/upi.2015.466
Promoting the Construction of Sponge City by Developing Green Streets: Learning from the Experience of the United States

Huang Xinru, Song Yan, Chen Yanping

Keywords: Green Street; Sponge City; Stormwater Management; The United States


Green street is an important practical engineering of development storm water management proposed by the United States. After decades of practice and promotion, green street is currently recognized as one the most advanced means to improve the local street’s rainstorm flooding problem as well as creating more green space. Based on analysis of practice of green streets in the United States, the article summarizes three sets of experience: construction technology, measures of implementation, and multilateral collaboration in constructing green streets. We provide recommendations on how China should learn from the advanced experience of the United States that could promote the construction of sponge city by developing green streets.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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