DOI: 10.22217/upi.2016.107
“City of Cities” from an Ecological Point of View: Thinking from Structure Plan of “Seven Cities of Bologna”

Zhu Jingyi

Keywords: “City of Cities”; Bologna; Structure Plan; Ecology; Urban Fragments


Contemporary cities are marked by the tendency to diffuse and develop a great level of diversity. This trend of fragmentation results, on one hand, from the inherent geographical and environmental features, and on the other hand, from the complex and unbalanced flows of diverse population. The city is evolving into “City of Cities”, and new planning tools are needed to deal with the new challenge. The paper starts from the concept of “ecology” put forward by Reyner Banham and discusses the “ecological” planning within “city of cities” by the case study of the urban structural plan of Bologna. The paper argues that by adopting the “ecology” perspective, the inherent characteristics can be better understood. At the same time, a structural understanding of the city’s present and future development can be achieved, which in turn gives the city the opportunity to better develop in view of the growing urban complexity and differentiation.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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