DOI: 10.22217/upi.2017.304
Reshaping the Publicity of Block Streets: The Conception, Practices and Inspirations of Barcelona’ Superblocks Planning

Liao Kaihuai, Cai Yunnan

Keywords: Barcelona; Superblocks; Walkability


Barcelona has a long history of public space renewal in neighborhoods. In recent years, there has been a planning innovation which named superblocks planning. The plan aims to revive the block streets and advocates the return of the streets back to the pedestrians. This paper introduces the background of Barcelona’s superblocks planning, and explores the innovative conception of the superblocks planning, following with the discussion of the differences of conception among superblocks, traditional blocks and gated communities. It also elaborates the contents and implementation mechanism of the superblocks planning in Barcelona. The purpose of this paper is to provide useful inspiration for the promotion of residential blocks and the planning of blocks in China.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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