DOI: 10.22217/upi.2017.415
Changing and Sustaining: The Evolution of Land Use Planning in the USA Since World War II

Luo Zhendong, Song Yan

Keywords: Land Use Planning; Disciplinary Knowledge; Evolution; The USA


As the comprehensive urban planning in the USA, land use planning was gradually improved and came into be a Hybrid Plan which integrates design, policy and management since World War II. In the past 70 years, there are different kinds of development in the constituent parts of land use planning. Dramatic changes appeared in the part of planning theory, and gradual improvement continued emerging in the part of planning methodology, but none basic adjustment has happened in the part of planning support system. In the 21st century, the importance of sustainable development increasingly arises, coupled with the aggravation of global climate change, financial crisis and terrorism, then some new trends come to emerge in the field of land use planning. The concepts of resilience, systems thinking, community engagement, equity, implementation and adaptation begin to be the targets which land use planning pursuits. Therefore, this research intends to give some implications to the transformation of urban planning in China, based on the revisiting to the evolution of land use planning in the USA.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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