DOI: 10.22217/upi.2016.131
Gearing Type Urban Regeneration Strategy: Case on Otemachi Development in Tokyo, Japan

Shi Yuan

Keywords: Otemachi Area; Gearing Type; Urban Regeneration; Institutions of Urban Regeneration


Otemachi region is located in the economic center in Tokyo, Japan, whose rich land makes it a gathering of many global corporate headquarters, tall and super-tall buildings stand together in a row, and the average volume rate is as high as about 7.0. The core issue of urban renewal in Otemachi area is to implement urban regeneration under the premise of locating in such a high density of city as well as ensuring the normal operation of many enterprises. Taking the case of Otemachi development in Japan as an example, this paper systematically analyzes urban regeneration strategy about integration of peripheral resources, seed base as the engine, securitization of real estate, tripartite cooperation of industry, government and school, as well as interpretates the urban
renewal process of Gearing Type in detail. Furthermore, aiming at urban renewal in China, this paper puts forward specific proposals of policy security, design strategy and service management on three levels.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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