DOI: 10.22217/upi.2016.144
Evaluating Sustainable Urban Renewal Approach in Hong Kong from a Social Perspective

Lang Wei, Li Xun, Chen Tingting

Keywords: Social Sustainability; Urban Renewal; Historical Building; Former Marine Police Headquarter; Hong Kong


Urban renewal in Hong Kong has been associated with different voices, where government and various interest groups have made every effort to promote sustainable development within urban renewal areas. Heritage preservation is seemingly contradictory with urban renewal driven by economic development, while how to enhance social sustainability on both ways is a question for the government, the academic, and planners. This paper explores the critical factors of urban renewal in urban planning and design through examining and evaluating the social elements of sustainable development via a case-study of Former Marine Police Headquarter, based on a conceptual framework of social sustainability indicators in urban renewal. As a reference of implementation process in urban renewal for all Chinese cities, this paper aims to discover the social considerations in urban renewal, which enhance the significance of social sustainability.


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