DOI: 10.22217/upi.2016.400
Transect-based Zoning and Classification in TOD Planning from the Perspective of Form-based Code

Liu Quan, Lai Yani

Keywords: Transit-oriented Development; New Urbanism; Smart Code; Form-based Code; Transect Model


In recent years, some US cities began to apply Smart Code or Form Based Code to replace or complete conventional zoning under the influence of New Urbanism. Transect model is an important method for urban cognition and planning management for Form Based Code, which has been widely used in TOD planning practices. Transect model includes 2 aspects of components: first, to accomplish TOD classification according to transect model and transit condition, and develop urban design guidelines for TOD areas on citywide scale or along the transit line; second, to carry out form based zoning according to transect model, and develop a Form Based Code in TOD area. Recently, urban design management, public transit construction and TOD planning have become more and more important and popular in China. Under such background, it is of great significance to learn from experience of transect model in the US, which can provide useful methods for Chinese TOD planning practices.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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