DOI: 10.22217/upi.2017.138
Inspirations of Japanese Welfare Shelter Construction for Aging China

Li Wenjing, Zhai Guofang, Gu Fumei, Chen Zewu

Keywords: Welfare Shelter; Aging; Shelter Planning; Disaster Prevention; Japan


In view of the insufficient consideration of the shelter needs of the asylum-seekers in the planning process of evacuation sites in China, the Japanese welfare shelters are taken as examples to sort out their planning processes and summarize their experience in construction, activation and management. In Japanese shelter system, the welfare shelters are set up independently, and planning is carried out from the needs of the elderly and other vulnerable people. The relevant construction standards and supporting facilities are more complete, and paid great attentions on daily maintenance and management. This paper aims to provide some inspirations for the planning and construction of shelters in China by combining the development status of China’s shelters and the context of continuing aging of population.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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