Experience and Lessons of the Housing Construction Assessment in the UK

Zhao Jie, Peng Zhenghong, Li Zhigang

Keywords: Housing Construction Evaluation; Planning Decision; Model; The UK; Balance of Housing Supply and Demand


Entering the new era, as an important “supply side” to promote the development of national economy and society, there is a high speed development of housing construction in China, making remarkable achievements. But there are still many challenges, such as the imbalance of supply and demand, the dis-appropriate structure of housing provision, the heavy burden of residents, and so on. In order to optimize the housing supply and demand, promote the sustainable development of housing market, and improve affordability, the scientific assessment and optimization of housing construction in China has become an important task. This paper reviews the development history of the housing construction assessment in the UK, examining its background, contents and effects, with the introduction of some typical housing construction evaluation models, operation mechanisms and characteristics. We summarize the experience and references and make some suggestions to the evaluation of planning and construction of housing in China. Such lessons provide valuable suggestions to promote the transformation of housing construction in China.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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