DOI: 10.22217/upi.2019.052
Informal Housing and Community in Chinese Megacities: Types, Mechanisms and Responses

Chen Yulin

Keywords: Urban Informality; Informal Economy; Community Building; Housing; Public Service; Public Space; Megacity; Governance


In the process of rapid urbanization in Chinese megacities, there has been a very diverse phenomenon of urban informality. While previous studies of informal housing were concentrated on urban village, this paper seeks to offer a more comprehensive perspective, informal community, which includes housing, public service and public space, to expand understanding of informality and to examine function of informal economy in community life. Firstly, an analytical framework of “qualification-use-operation” is proposed, and mechanism of informal housing are analyzed from the perspectives of government’s supply and citizen’s demand. Secondly, representative types of informal housing in historical districts, commodity housing communities and migrant settlements are reviewed, and their characteristics are summarized respectively. Finally, planning and management responses to informal housing and community building are proposed for more inclusive development.


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