DOI: 10.22217/upi.2017.492
Review and Inspiration of the Modern and Contemporary Planning System in the UK Based on the Perspective of Land Development Right

Wang Yue, Tan Zongbo

Keywords: Land Development Right; Planning System; Modern and Contemporary; Market Failure; The UK


In the bundle rights of land, the most important one is the Land Development Right, which was officially formed in the 1947 Planning Act of the UK and established the institution base of its planning system. Based on literature review and taking the Land Development Right as the clue, this paper figures the origin of the contemporary urban planning and reviews the development and changes of modern planning system: from dealing the market failure by negative restriction of private land development right, to positively land develop control by nationalization of land development right, and then to dealing with the government failure by returning development right to the community and sharing with social power. By review this process, this paper thus concludes the experience of the UK and its inspiration to Chinese problem.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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