DOI: 10.22217/upi.2017.433
Discussion on the Construction of China’s Planning Appeal System Based on Hong Kong’s Experience

Weng Yang, Wang Jianqiang, Zheng Shanwen

Keywords: Planning Appeal System; The Emedial System; Hong Kong; Spatial Rights; Public Participation; Administrative Reconsideration; Administrative Litigation


In these years, China’s urban construction has been experiencing such changes as transferring from incremental expansion to stock’s improvement and the rise of civil society, etc. Interest pluralism appears increasingly remarkable in urban development, under which the games between interests become more frequent, diverse and complex. For the perfection of the planning administration system, more attention should be paid to the demands that the interest entities are able to safeguard the legal spatial rights by the appeal system. Accordingly, the paper is on the discussion of establishing and perfecting the relevant systems. After overview of the development of the planning appeal system in Hong Kong and analysis of the advanced experience of the system construction, the suggestions about reference will be proposed to solve the problems in the present system and make it improved.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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