DOI: 10.22217/upi.2017.115
Large Scale Spatial Morphology Analysis Method Based on GIS Platform: Take the Height, Density and Intensity of the Metropolitan Central Districts as Example

Shi Beixiang, Yang Junyan

Keywords: Large Scale Urban Space Morphology; GIS Platform; Spatial Analysis; Techniques; Urban Central Zone


With the globalization of economy, the density of urban public facilities is increasing, which make the huge scale and complex morphology in urban areas. For this phenomenon with the function of GIS in data processing and spatial analysis, this paper presents some analytical methods to study the spatial morphology of large scale space, that mainly including: basic data analysis, contour analysis, spatial height fitting analysis, spatial fluctuation analysis, cluster analysis and kernel density analysis. With these techniques that could understand the changing law of the height, density and intensity more clearly and effectively, moreover, it is helpful to grasp the characteristics of the spatial form of large scale urban space. Furthermore, as an open platform, GIS is also helpful to the study of the coupling relationship between the spatial form and the stream of people and industry formats.


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