DOI: 10.22217/upi.2016.536
Reflection on Street Setback Approaches from the Perspective of 3D Street Interface

Liu Quan

Keywords: Building Setback; Street Boundary Line; Build-to-line; Street Interface; Urban Planning Management


Based on cases analysis of urban planning standards and design guidelines of different cities at home and abroad, methods of building setback from street are summarized. There are two types of setback methods: integral setback and subsection setback, including six sub types: inflexible setback, side correlation based flexible setback, front correlation based flexible setback, ground floor interface setback, upper floors layered setback and vertical volume layered setback. This paper analyzes the applicable conditions and technical features of these methods. As an important factor of street space, building setback does not only mean space distance between building and street, but also harmonizes vertical, horizontal and lateral dimensions of street interface, keeps appropriate street scale, and affects the space characteristic and functional use between setback area and the whole street. It is better to cognize the concept of setback under the background of the various needs of 3D street interface in order to make this area play a more comprehensive role.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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