DOI: 10.22217/upi.2016.314
Research on Local Activation Strategy: Case Study on Treasure Hill Artist Village in Taipei

Zhuo Xiang

Keywords: Treasure Hill Artist Village in Taipei; Local Activation; Strategy; Old Town; OURs


Treasure Hill Artist Village, as a traditional old town in Taipei, is faced with a lot of practical issues such as disrepaired buildings, mountain safety risks, poor internal transportation, Xindian Creek water pollution and urban low-income groups gathering, which is in urgent need of a new round of urban renewal. And under the premise of maintaining the existing social network structure in the Treasure Hill Artist Village, how to perfect old town infrastructure, create a variety of public space and the revitalization of the regional economic development to achieve urban renewal, is the core issue that Treasure Hill Artist Village is facing. Based on the urban renewal of Treasure Hill Artist Village, this paper systematically analyzes its strategy about the policy in support and implementation, residents’ relocation and resettlement, local community building, operation management, construction of legal system and so on. Furthermore, it interprets urban renewal process of Local Activation, and on this basis, it puts forward specific recommendations of four levels, which aim at institutional innovation, operation and management, space design, and policy-driven of old town in mainland China.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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