DOI: 10.22217/upi.2018.253
Reference of Japan’s Interest Measurement Theory to Urban and Rural Planning Implementation System in China

Wen Chaoxiang, He Yandong, Zhu Chasong

Keywords: Interest Measurement Theory; Urban and Rural Planning; Implementation System; Planning Permission; Planning Law Enforcement; Planning Transaction


Through an in-depth analysis of the theory of interest measurement in Japanese civil law hermeneutics, this paper points out the real source of the “failure” caused by the neglect of interest measurement in China’s urban and rural planning implementation system, and puts forward the enlightenment towards urban and rural planning implementation system construction from three aspects: planning permission, planning law enforcement and planning transaction. As conclusion, the paper also proposes the following system construction strategies: formulating a planning implementation system to provide convenience services for the public; improving the ability of planning departments and public servants to actively administer; and paying attention to the “impact benefit clause” in legal norms.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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