DOI: 10.22217/upi.2019.327
Evolution and Future Prospect of Urban Ecological Planning in Modern China

Shen Qingji, Peng Shanni, Ci Hai

Keywords: Urban Ecological Planning in Modern China; Evolution Periods; Theoretical Evolution Features; Practical Evolution Features; Analysis of Issues; Future Outlook


The evolution of urban ecological planning in China since 1949 is divided into four periods: initial germination period, slow growth period, framework setting period, and all-round development period. Through reviewing the relationship between socio-economic environment and urban ecological planning, this paper concludes with the evolution features of urban ecological planning in China from both theoretical and practical perspectives, and analyzes the main problems in China’s urban ecological planning. With a clear understanding of the evolution trends of ecological planning in China, five aspects are discussed, including adapting to the spatial planning reform; improving the serviceability of urban ecological planning; expanding the niche of urban ecological planning in multiple dimensions; exploring institutional innovations on urban ecological planning; and constructing a theoretical and practical system of urban ecological planning with Chinese characteristics. Thereby, an outlook for the future of urban ecological planning in China is developed and elaborated.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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