DOI: 10.22217/upi.2019.199
The Exploration and Development of New China’s Urban Transportation Planning

Ma Lin

Keywords: Urban Transportation; Urban Comprehensive Transportation System; Urban Comprehensive Transportation Planning; The Compilation of Urban Transportation Plan; Historic Review; China


The modern urban transportation planning did not appear in China until the late 1970s. Through more than 40 years of study and practice, China continuously absorbed the theories and methods of social, economic, management and other disciplines in order to adapt to social requirements and urban growth. Gradually, it has formed a set of multi-disciplinary theories and techniques for planning, as well as a multi-level planning management system. In transportation planning field, studies and practices have been mutually promoting the evolution of each side. Domestic tests and overseas lessons have resulted in the advancement of urban transportation planning concepts and techniques. This paper is intended to review the development process of urban transportation planning in China, as well as to analyze the main factors that have impacts, such as personnel training and technical development. This paper will reemphasize four issues related to the uncertainty of future urban transportation development and the diverse implementations and management of urban transportation planning.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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