DOI: 10.22217/upi.2017.296
Towards Continuing Professional Development of Urban Design: The Experience of Urban Design London and Its Reference to China

Wang Yaowu, Xu Linfeng, Dai Donghui

Keywords: Urban Design; Continuing Professional Development; Training; Urban Design London; Operation Mechanism


Urban Design London (UDL) had been effective and was playing a significant role in increasing practitioner skills around London during the latest 15 years. Under the background of skills deficit at the beginning of the 21st century in Britain before the UDL founded, the paper finds that the skills gap had accelerated the growth of Continuing Professional Development on urban design. It also analyzes the operating mode, working framework, and service content and form of UDL. At the end, this paper summarizes UDL’s experience in four aspects including the government-led and user priority “government-user-industry-university-research” collaborative model, the timely and effective content, the continual improving process delivered by monitoring and evaluating, and the training form based on extensive communication and consensus. The experience of UDL provides reference to continuing professional development of urban design in the “new normal”.


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