DOI: 10.22217/upi.2018.221
Exploring the Path Based on Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth: A Case Study on Regional Development Corridor Strategy, Mozambique

Liu Cheng

Keywords: Poverty Reduction; Inclusive Growth; Regional Development Corridor; Special Economic Zone; Mozambique


Poverty reduction is an important socio-economic problem in front of the world. It is even more prominent in the East African country Mozambique, one of the poorest countries in the world. Although Mozambique has achieved sustained high-speed economic growth by continuously attracting external investment during the past 20 years, this model is out of step with local economic growth and does not bring about universally fair and sustainable residents’ income growth opportunities. In order to reduce poverty and achieve inclusive growth, Mozambique has established several regional development corridors based on major domestic transportation corridors as a macro-economic development strategy at the spatial level in order to maximize the linkage between external investment and local economies, to ensure that the corridor region has sufficient capabilities and opportunities to share the fruits of economic growth. This paper conducts indepth analysis and research on the status quo of poverty reduction in Mozambique and the Regional Development Corridor Strategy. It is of certain reference value for China’s academia to understand Mozambique’s regional development, and also for further academic and practical cooperation between China and Mozambique under the broad prospect of China-Africa friendly collaboration.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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