DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2017.484
British Conservation Area Appraisal Methodology Introduction: Case Study of Glasgow Central Conservation Area Appraisal

Xiao Jing, Cao Ke

Keywords: Conservation Area Appraisal; Glasgow Central; Appraisal Methodology; Value Cohesion; Character Refinement


The article analyzed the institutional framework and management procedures for the conservation area appraisal in Britain, and introduced the contents and operating methodologies from the following aspects :designation information, historical development, morphological analysis, architectural features, character areas, boundary amendments, enhancement advices. Based on these, it summarized “value cohesion, character refinement, impact monitoring, balance keeping” as the unique features of British conservation area appraisal methodology, which can be used for domestic heritage preservation and appraisal work in China.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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