DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2019.453
From Reform to Construction: The Spatial Planning System Development of Taiwan After World War Ⅱ

Zhang Heqiang, Wang Huan, Li Chen, Sheng Ming

Keywords: Spatial Planning System; Taiwan; Mainland; Urban Planning; Reginal Planning; “Territorial” Planning


The construction of the spatial planning system is a systematic premise for the government to guide the spatial layout. This paper sorts out several major changes in the spatial planning system in Taiwan, focusing on the analysis of the legal system, hierarchical system, and spatial control trends in two periods. The study points out that the spatial planning development process of Taiwan since the 1950s is a comprehensive integration from construction space to global space, from separating governance to coordinating governance of urban and rural areas. It means the progressive development: from urban plan, regional plan, to “territorial” planning. Finally, to deepen the spatial planning reform in the Chinese mainland, we put forward some suggestions based on the lessons of Taiwan’s experience, including concept establishment, legal protection, and system improvement.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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