DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2018.450
Habitat Protection Planning and Management in Urban Fringe: Lessons from Santa Clara Valley, the United States

Xing Zhong, Tang Xizi, Gu Yuanyuan, Zhou Qian

Keywords: Planning Process Guidance; Urban Fringe; Habitat Protection Planning; Project Permit Management; Environmental Impact Assessment


Urban economic developments threaten wildlife habitat in urban fringe areas. More than 30 years ago, habitat protection has already been highly prioritized by many developed countries and areas. Species protection in the United States has experienced a transition from protecting specific species and important ecological patches to protecting species-based-habitats, which has indicated the importance of habitat protection. In China, there remains no established schema to improve the effectiveness of conservation planning and natural habitat management. The United States has a rather mature conservation planning system that is worth learning. Based on the literature review and case studies, this paper analyzes the ideology and practices of habitat protection in the United States from three processes: formation of conservation plans, development permit management, and environmental impact assessment. It suggests using an adaptive planning method that incorporates the guiding plan, planning control, and environmental impact assessment, as well as a management regime that combines “hard” and “soft” elements to cope with the existing problems in environmental protection and control for China’s urban fringe area.


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