DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2018.460
Building Energy Efficiency Planning at Urban Scale: International Experience and Inspiration

Leng Hong, Song Shiyi

Keywords: Urban Energy Efficiency; Building Energy Consumption; Building Energy Efficiency Planning; Urban Model; Sustainable Development; International Experience


Building energy consumption is the main component of urban energy consumption. Controlling building energy consumption at the level of urban planning can effectively control the energy consumption at the macro level and reduce the overall building energy consumption; it can flexibly coordinate the relationship between the built environment management and urban energy conservation; it can effectively reduce energy consumption costs; it can comprehensively consider all aspects of influencing factors and formulate scientific and effective planning decisions. This paper compares the special planning strategies, planning policy management, technical research and energy efficiency planning effects of four developed cities worldwide, i.e., London, New York, Tokyo and Toronto, and elaborates on the main influencing factors of urban scale building energy efficiency planning in three aspects including urban spatial form, urban microclimate environment and energy using behavior. The paper also discusses the difficulties and challenges of building energy efficiency planning at urban scale from three aspects: planning framework construction, data collection and processing and interdisciplinary technical support. In the end, four suggestions are put forward: macro-special planning system, social supervision, data information and cross-disciplinary cooperation.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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