DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2022.741
Optimisation of National Urban Spatial Pattern: New Thinking Based on Economic Potential and Security Risk Dimensions

Wang Kai, Chen Ming, Zhang Danni

Keywords: Spatial Pattern Optimisation; Urban System; National Spatial Planning Theory; Urbanization Zoning; Security Risk; Climate Change


Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the four major adjustments of urban spatial pattern in China are closely related to the national strategic objectives. For quite a long time to come, the excessive concentration of industry and population, the intensification of climate change and the production transformation caused by informationization are the security challenges that China’s spatial pattern optimisation must face directly. As a guide to the optimisation of national urban pattern, “National Spatial Planning Theory” has also expanded from emphasizing ecological priority to paying attention to safety issues. In order to better realize economic security, by constructing the “Four Forces (PSVC)” economic potential evaluation model, cities with economic development potential are identified as the strategic “fulcrum” for the country to build a “double cycle” of economy. In order to better ensure ecological security, on the basis of accurate analysis of China’s land space resources, the national land space is divided into six first-class divisions, and differentiated guidance is given to key urbanization areas. Climate change will bring different levels of security risks to key urbanization areas, so differentiated urban construction modes and adaptive security resilience construction technologies should be adopted.


Brief Info of Author(s):

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