DOI: 10.19830/j.upi.2020.492
The Evolution and Enlightenment of the Key Worker Housing Policies System in the UK

Sun Jingjing

Keywords: Key Worker; Housing Poverty; Affordable Housing; Social Housing; The Right to Buy; Housing Policy; Low-income Group; Housing Association


China’s urbanization is extremely fast, and the shackles of housing poverty for low-income and middle-income labor groups have gradually emerged in different cities. However, China’s urban affordable housing policies mostly aim to provide social care and it is relatively insufficient to stimulate the labor force in housing policies. This paper reviews the evolution of the UK’s key labor housing policy system and summarizes what China can learn from. It finds that the key labor housing policy in the UK has developed from emergency measures for labor shortage to design systems, which has become a vital part in the UK’s surban planning system. It has provided a continuous driving force for labor to participate in production. However, the key labor housing policy in the UK has focused on stimulating housing demand, but has failed to address the affordable crisis, rigid land plans and uneven regional subsidies. Thus, China can consider to strengthen the top-level design of urban affordable housing policy, supporting measures for planning systematic housing policies, and forming a housing cooperation mechanism with the participation of social forces.


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