2013年第5期   DOI:
The European Union’s Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Cities and Towns

彼得· 施密特 著 许俊萍 译

Peter Schmitt


Keywords:EU Policies and Strategies; Small and Medium-sized Cities and Towns; Polycentric Development; Territorial Agenda; Urban Dimension




This paper primarily discusses strategies for the development of small and medium-sized cities and towns in Europe Union. The roles and potentials of small and medium-sized cities and towns are analyzed firstly. Then it primarily summarizes the growing concerns and related policies on medium-sized cities and towns in the following part, which reflected the ambitions to integrate urban issues within the EU policy framework. Some of the major policy documents and programmes as well as related normative concepts of the EU policy framework are critically analyzed. The so-called ‘urban dimension’ is emerging in various strategies within the EU policy framework, whereas its specific design and territorial focus, also in relation to small and medium-sized cities and towns, remains to be rather vague.





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