2014年第5期   DOI:
Rural Renaissance: Rural China Transformation Under Productivism and Post-productivism

张京祥 申明锐 赵晨

Zhang Jingxiang, Shen Mingrui, Zhao Chen


Keywords:Rural Transformation; Rural Renaissance; Urban-Rural Relationship; Productivism; Post-productivism




This paper summarizes the rural transformation trajectory of post-reform China into three waves. Furthermore, two extremes of contemporary rural development and two deficient types of  rural practice that initiated recently are figured out through critical review. In the comparative perspective of China and the West, we argue that rural China development is exposed in a twofold background. The western discourse of productivism and post-productivism should be both highlighted in contemporary Chinese context. Beyond linear rural transformation and  resent rural practice, this paper terms “Rural Renaissance” and defines underlying connotations to make it distinct from existing concepts. Lastly, it also notes that the rural  renaissance should have diverse forms in either industry, capital, governance, culture, and so on.



申明锐(通讯作者),香港中文大学地理与资源管理学系, 博士研究生。shenmingr@cuhk.edu.hk



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