2013年第6期   DOI:
Urban Transition of New York City and Its Multiple Plans


Wang Lan


Keywords:New York City; Transition; Multiple Plans


纽约城市规划的公共政策特征明显,多元的规划类型体现和支撑了纽约的城市转型发展。本文追述二战以来纽约城市发展转型的动态和规划,理解规划在城市转型发展中的作用,并集中分析2001 年后多个规划的战略议题和内容重点。


Multiple urban plans in New York City (NYC) function as public policies to support its transition. This paper tracks urban transition process and plans of NYC after the World War II with a focus of the year 2001 to present, in order to understand the role of plans in urban development and the themes of transition.




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