2013年第5期   DOI:
The Tradition of“ Harmonizing Man and Nature” in Urban Planning of the West


Xie Pengfei


Keywords:The West; Urban Planning; Harmonizing Man and Nature; Tradition




By analyzing Western urban planning practice from the perspective of site positioning, planning and location, and built environment, this paper proves that there is a tradition of “Harmonizing Man and Nature” rationally in the urban planning of the West. By comparing the ideology and practice of “Harmonizing Man and Nature” between China and the West, it proposes that the tradition of “Harmonizing Man and Nature” rationally of the West is logical and reasonable in terms of its interpretation of the relationship between Man and Nature, and is more effective to explore the natural law and the truth of science. The ideology and practice of “Harmonizing Man and Nature” of China

and Western Countries are complementary, each with their own characteristics. It proposes that we should hold a dialectical ideology of “Harmonizing Man and Nature” to face the opportunity and challenge of the era of“ eco-civilization”





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