2013年第2期   DOI:
An Exploration of Land Use Mix Around Residence and Family Commuting Caused Carbon Emission: A Case Study of Wuhan City in China

黄经南 杜宁睿 刘沛 韩笋生

Huang Jingnan, Du Ningrui, Liu Pei, Han Sunsheng


Keywords:Land Use Mix; Carbon Emission; Low-carbon Community; Wuhan




Present low-carbon city researches are heavily limited to city level, whereas few have explored more refined scales, such as neighborhood, community and residence. This paper, based on the latest land use data of Wuhan city in China, first calculates land use mix around residence, and then investigates its relationship with family commuting caused carbon emission taking some socio-economic parameters into account. Finally, suggestions are raised to lowcarbon community planning.

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基金项目:澳洲研究基金(ARC:Australian Research Council)项目“低碳城市的配置:空间参数在中 国单中心和多中心城市中的作用研究”(Configuring Low Carbon Cities: An Exploration of the Role of Spatial Parameters in Monocentric and Polycentric Examples in China)(项目编号:ARC DP1094801)资助






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