原文发表在《建成环境》,32卷,第2期(Built Environment, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2006, pp. 137-147),Alexand
2008年第1期   DOI:
RhineRuhr: Towards Compatibility? Strategic Spatial Policies for a Specific Configuration of Polycentricity

沃尔夫冈·纳普 彼得·施米特 雷纳·丹尼斯基 著 曾悦 译

Wolfgang Knapp,Peter Schmitt,Rainer Danielzyk






Concepts of polycentricity and networks take a central place in current thinking about the restructuring of urban regions. This academic discourse will be sketched in view of the search for synergies within the polycentric urban region RhineRuhr. The notion of synergy, which makes the whole network of cities more than the sum of its parts, will be discussed in the light of a fuzzy strategic concept that qualifies RhineRuhr as a “metropolitan region” constituting a critical mass for international competitiveness on the one hand, but hardly any steps to implement this option on the other. In the final section, therefore, some ideas will be put forward to make regional strategic policies more compatible with both the problems of the specific polycentric structure of RhineRuhr as well as the latent synergetic potentials within this region.


沃尔夫冈·纳普(Wolfgang Knapp),北莱茵—威斯特法伦州城市与区域发展建设研究中心(ILS NRW)高级经济学家,空间规划师

彼得·施米特(Peter Schmitt),多特蒙德大学地理学者

雷纳·丹尼斯基(Rainer Danielzyk),奥尔登堡大学(University Oldenburg)地理学教授,城市与区域发展建设研究中心负责人



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