2013年第2期   DOI:
1970 年代以前美国联邦政府与郊区的横向蔓延
The U.S. Federal Government and the Suburbs’ Horizontal Spread Before the 1970s


Guo Qiaohua


Keywords:the United States; Urban Policy; Suburbs‘ Spread


20 世纪30 年代后,在美国联邦政府一系列政策的作用下,美国郊区获得了快速发展,甚至出现了郊区过度蔓延的趋势,对城市的发展产生了深远的影响。本文拟对20世纪30 年代至70 年代间联邦政府推出的促使郊区横向蔓延的政策及其影响进行探讨。


After the 1930s, the American suburbs obtained a rapid development and even appeared an overspeading trend on the effect of federal government‘s policies which influenced the urban development profoundly. The paper attempts to discuss the federal government‘s policies from 1930s to 1970s which promoted suburbs‘ horizontal spread and the impact of these policies.




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