2013年第2期   DOI:
Political-economic Analysis on Urban Space Redevelopment Plan: A Case Study of Yan Ziji Old Industrial District in Nanjing


Guan Weihua

关键词:空间再开发;城市规划;政治经济分析;城市治理;DCF 模型;南京

Keywords:Urban Space Redevelopment; Urban Planning; Political-economic Analysis; City Governing; DCF model; Nanjing




Modern urban planning is an instrument of city governing involved with analyzing, intervening and managing the complex process of political conflict related to city changes. Assisting government to be interest coordinator is its function orientation; setting up interest distribution mechanism is its approach; and achieving maximum social welfare is its target. Based on two different kinds of value orientation: public interest and real estate development, this paper analyzes two spatial plan projects different in subjective, spatial elements and interest structure in the case of Yan Ziji redevelopment plan. Moreover, the authors rationally compare their advantages and disadvantages through DCF model. At last, proposals relevant to planning system reform and innovation are presented.




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