2013年第3期   DOI:
The Synergy of High-speed Railway Station Areas and Urban Space Development

殷铭 汤晋 段进

Yin Ming, Tang Jin, Duan Jin


Keywords:High-speed Railway Station Areas, Urban Space Development, Synergy,




The different voices of the development of High-speed Railway stations areas in essentially are discussing the relationship between the development of station areas and urban space development. From exploring international experiences, this paper puts forward a proposition of synergy between station areas and urban space development. Based on this concept, the paper discusses the difficulty of synergy in Chinese context included the fringe location, the highgrade level function, the poor space quality and so on. The reasons of poor conditions in synergy not only laid on the complexity characteristics of development of station areas including space and institutions, but also rooted the development stage, model and characteristic. Finally, the paper puts forward three suggestions based on the current situations.


殷铭,东南大学建筑学院与荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学联合培养博士生。 ymtxnj@hotmail.com




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