2013年第3期   DOI:
Conservation Value of Historic City of Kashigar: The Approach of Contingent Valuation Method

张杰 陶金 霍晓卫

Zhang Jie, Tao Jin, Huo Xiaowei


Keywords:Old City of Kashigar,Cultural Heritage,Contingent Valuation Method, Willingness to Pay


本文运用意愿价值法对喀什老城保护价值进行评估。探讨游客、居民关注的保护对象及其保护意愿的差异;分析了影响游客、居民支付意愿与支付数额的因素,并通过回归模型研究了相关的影响程度,在确定喀什老城WTP 值的基础上,提出了相关建议。


Based on survey data, this article assesses the heritage value of old city of Kashigar through Contingent Valuation Method. The difference is analyzed between residents and travelers for willingness to preserve different kinds of heritage, by examining the factors which influenced the willingness and amount to pay. The regression model is applied to observe the influencedegree. Finally the WTP value and some suggestions are provided.






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