2013年第5期   DOI:
Preliminary Studies on Contemporary Urban Agriculture Planning from the Perspective of Food Urbanism Strategy

孙莉 张玉坤

Sun Li, Zhang Yukun

关键词:食物城市主义;当代城市农业;空间构成要素; 技术手段;种类选择

Keywords:Food Urbanism; Contemporary Urban Agriculture; Spatial Elements; Technical Means; Species Selection




We are now facing a series of crises of energy, food and environment. The food system reform is the basic issue of the next social paradigm shift, and the food urbanism will be the dominant approach. Food Urbanism is defined, and then its functions and significances are summarized. The paper analyzes the necessity of introducing urban agriculture planning into China’s urbanization process. The spatial elements of urban agriculture are summarized, and the community agriculture center is proposed as a novel idea of architecture style. Then, the main technical means of contemporary urban agriculture are introduced, and reasonable proposal is put forward to select the crop species of urban agriculture cultivation (farming).





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