2013年第5期   DOI:
The Successful Implementation of Road Congestion Charge in a Small City: A Case Study of Durham, the UK

邓涛涛 冯苏苇

Deng Taotao, Feng Suwei


Keywords:Congestion Charge; Small City; Durham; the UK




This paper introduces the case of road congestion charge applied in a small city, which is rarely discussed in China's literatures. The paper takes Durham as a case study, which is the first city to implement congestion charge in the UK. It analyzes the historical background of implementing the road congestion charge scheme, the specific implementation measures, the relevant supporting measures and consequent results. This study reveals that the road congestion condition has got clear improvement in Durham and the public support of congestion pricing schemes has also been significantly improved after the scheme was implemented in Durham. The paper points out that it is quite difficult to implement road congestion pricing in big cities due to certain problems. It might be better to implement the congestion pricing scheme in the crowded streets in small cities firstly, so as to avoid policy risk and get experience.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金“‘公交优先’战略下快速公交系统实施绩效的评价体系与方法研究”(41201102),上海市哲学社 会科学规划一般课题“基于非市场价值估计理论的城市交通政策绩效评价”(2009BCK002)共同资助




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