2014年第6期   DOI:
Towards Smarter Cities: Human-oriented Urban Planning and Management Based on Space-Time Behavior Research

柴彦威 申悦 陈梓烽

Chai Yanwei, Shen Yue, Chen Zifeng


Keywords:Space-Time Behavior; Human-orientation; Smart City; Big Data;Time Geography; Urban Planning and Management




The notion of human-orientation has grown to be an important principle of urban development in recent years, and it can be conceptualized in terms of space-time behavior as a growing number of relevant studies have shed light on its implications in spatial and behavioral planning. In the current era of big data, urban planning and management has been embracing new types of individualized data characterized by huge sample size and integrating with temporal, spatial and behavioral information, the use of which should be based on theories and methodologies of space-time behavior research. Moreover, the notion of smart city, which is derived from the combination of human-oriented city and information-based city, also urges for further application of space-time behavior research in the realm of urban planning and management. It is in this light that we put forward a framework of smart city research from the perspective of space-time behavior in this paper, with a detailed discussion about the prospect of applying space-time behavior research to enhance the efficiency of urban planning and management, as well as to promote the human-oriented smart city planning. On the one hand, the application of space-time behavior research can innovate the spatial and temporal scales of urban planning and management, so as to equip it with higher levels of accuracy and efficiency. On the other hand, the space-time behavior research can expand our analytical focus to people’s everyday lives in the current framework of smart city research and promote the practice of human-oriented planning that addresses residents’ everyday experience and quality of life.






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