2014年第6期   DOI:
The Traceability and Enlightenment of the US National Heritage Corridor/Area Model

龚道德 张青萍

Gong Daode, Zhang Qingping


Keywords:Heritage Corridor; National Park;Management Mode; Traceability




The heritage corridor/Area model is a preservation method found out for a large-scale cultural landscape, based on the American characteristics of its own cultural resources. After 30 years of exploration, its operation mechanisms and safeguard systems have been increasingly mature. In the development of this model, there are lots of experiences and lessons worth our learning and reference. In recent years, some domestic scholars have introduced the model. However, due to the complicated reasons of its emergence, the scholars have not made the comprehensive and authoritative conclusions on it. This paper firstly introduces the model, and then analyzes the background, reasons, important events and time nodes of it. After that, it explores its implications to our heritage area preservation models in China. Finally, it emphasizes that we should stand on our own reality, instead of blindly copy, as we are making references of the US experiences.




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