2015年第3期   DOI:
Overview of Interaction Between Urban Land Use and Transportation

郭源园 李莉 李贵才 张华

Guo Yuanyuan, Li Li, Li Guicai, Zhang Hua


Keywords:Urban Land Use; Urban Transport; Interaction; Integrated Model;Coordination Assessment


城市土地利用与城市交通之间的相互作用一直是地理学、经济学和规划学界研究的热点。本文追踪了城市土地利用与城市交通相互作用相关的研究。通过国内外研究的对比发现,在城市土地利用对城市交通的影响方面,国内外研究基本都认同高密度开发可以减少居民对私家车的依赖,混合土地利用模式对交通出行的影响未形成统一结论,但国外研究尺度多为社区,而国内多为城市;在城市交通对土地利用的影响方面,国内外研究在内容和方法上有较大的同质性,但国内高铁的快速发展也为国内相关研究提供了新的热点;二者相互作用模型是当前研究的热点问题,国内外研究表现出了明显的分异性,国外侧重于二者一体化模型的开发和应用,而国内则倾向于通过协调性评价的研究为政府政策调整提供依据。结合领域内出现的一些热点的问题以及一些新的技术手段,文章最后从基于微观行为的模型开发、GIS 的应用以及与环境能源问题的结合等角度对该领域未来发展的方向进行了展望。


Interaction between urban land use and urban transportation has been a research hotspot in the fields of Geography, Economics and Urban Planning. This article gives an overview on the studies of urban land use and transportation interactions, both domestic and abroad. Base on the review, we found that: For the impact of urban land use on urban transportation, most researches get to the same conclusion that high-density development decrease the dependency on private cars, but this is not the case for the impact of mixed land use on transportation; besides the scale of the researches on the impact of land use pattern on transportation generally differs, researches abroad tend to focus on a plot scale while that in China focus on city scale; for the impact of urban transportation on urban land use, researches domestic and abroad show little difference in the research point of interest and methodologies, but the wide-spread of high-speed rail in China does provide a new context for related studies; integrating both impacts into a model is a hotspot in this area, and researches abroad tends to develop the land use and transportation integrated model, while that in China generally involve a land use and transportation coordination assessment. This article thus highlights some future prospects for further research.




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