2015年第3期   DOI:
TOD 概念的发展及其中国化
Evolving TOD Concept and Its Sinicization

李珽 史懿亭 符文颖

Li Ting, Shi Yiting, Fu Wenying

关键词:TOD ;公共交通;混合用地;中国化

Keywords:TOD; Public Transit; Mix Land-use; Sinicization


TOD 是一种以公共交通为导向的城市规划手法,提倡紧凑、混合用地布局和公共空间。在中国目前快速城市化的发展背景下,清晰地了解TOD 理论的完整内涵和价值对于解决我国当前大城市无序扩张所带来的拥挤和环境问题尤为重要。本文在回顾TOD 的概念起源及演变的基础上,对其相关概念进行了辨析,并对TOD 在演变过程中出现的几大主要类别及其特征进行归纳,最后结合中国的背景对TOD 中国化的应用方向进行了探讨,以期为中国城市未来发展提供新的发展思路。


TOD (Transit Oriented Development) is a technological means of urban planning oriented by public transport, advocating compact and mix land-use layout and public space. It is useful to comprehensively understand the meaning and value of TOD theory in order to solve the problem of congestion and pollution brought by the disordered expansion of big cities under the context of rapid urbanization in China. This article critically discriminates the related concepts of TOD based on the review of origin and evolution of TOD theory. It further summarizes the main category of TOD during its evolving process, analyzing the characteristic of each category. Finally, the application direction of TOD’s sinicization within the Chinese background is demonstrated, aiming to provide implications for the development of Chinese cities in the future.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41301109)、教育部留学回国人员科 研启动基金(教外司留[2013]1792 号)联合资助



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