2015年第3期   DOI:
The Effect of Traffic Facilities Accessibility on Household Commuting Caused Carbon Emission: A Case Study of Wuhan City, China

黄经南 高浩武 韩笋生

Huang Jingnan, Gao Haowu, Han Sunsheng


Keywords:Traffic Facilities; Carbon Emission;Low Carbon Community; Wuhan




The paper, taking Wuhan as an example, first calculates the carbon emission of household daily travel based on questionnaire survey and some fundamental spatial data, then analyzes the relationship between traffic facilities accessibilities and carbon emission, and finally explores the influence of socio-economic factors. The results show that at the city level the number of bus route has significant correlation with family commuting carbon emission. If considering socioeconomic factors including household income, education level, and the private car ownership, the number of the road crossing within 1 000 meters also bear correlation with family commuting carbon emission. In the district level, the results are distinct when considering the unique polycentric spatial structure of Wuhan city. Finally, the paper puts forward several suggestions on low carbon community planning.


高浩武,武汉大学城市设计学院,2012 级硕士研究生。1016768709@qq.com


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