2012年第2期   DOI:
The Gradual Renewal Mode Toward Social Integration of Chinese Low-income Neighborhood: Study on 'Magnetic Community'

李和平 杨钦然

Li Heping, Yang Qinran


Keywords:Low-income Neighborhood; Social Integration; Gradual Renewal; Magnetic Community


针对当前我国城市低收入者面临的社会隔离、就业难、生活条件差等问题,归纳总结了欧美发达国家在解决低收入者居住问题上所经历的公共住房、混合住区、多元社区三个阶段的经验;并结合我国国情指出,大量的廉租房建设不能从根本上解决低收入者的问题,在当前无法实现居住混合与社会混合相结合的情况下,我国应该走一种以多元化混合社区为目标的过渡模式。以此为基础,提出了促进我国社会融合的低收入住区渐进式更新模式——“磁性社区”,探讨了“磁性社区”开放混合与动态生长的两个特点,并从社区边界、公共交通、功能业态、住宅类型和设施布局等方面提出“磁性社区”的更新方向, 希望为解决我国低收入者的生存与发展问题提出一条发展思路。


To address on the current problems of urban low-income neighborhood, such as social isolation, employment difficulty and poor living condition, the paper summarizes the three strategies for low-income neighborhood in developped countries, including public housing, mixed-income housing and multi-community, and suggests that it can not resolve the real problems of low-income residents through building a large number of low-rent housing or public housing in China today, and it is also unrealistic to get the combination between the housing mix and the social integration immediately. So it is necessary to adopt a transition mode of the multi-mixed community. On this basis, the paper puts forward the gradual renewal mode toward social integration of urban low-income neighborhood in China,‘Magnetic Community’, and discusses its characteristics of both open and mixed type and dynamic growth , and gives some renewal methods in residential type, common function, community edge and public transportation, etc, with the hope of making some suggestions for the low-income residents’development. 





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