2011年第6期   DOI:
Megacorridors: Striking a Balance Between the Space of Flows and the Space of Places

路易斯· 阿尔布雷克特 汤姆· 科彭斯 著 蒋冰蕾 马睿瑞 译

Louis Albrechts, Tom Coppens


Keywords:Megacorridors; Flemish Diamond; HST; Governance; Subsidiarity




The corridor concept occupies a prominent place in several European reports. The creation of corridors is related to “space of flows” and“ space of places”. The analysis of the case of Brussels high speed train station makes it utterly clear that the space of flows often wipes out and replaces the space of places. A few financial and managerial elite is installed at the cost of local population. This article provides elements of an alternative open fair and transparent approach. This calls for innovations in the governance structure as well. 

基金项目:原文刊登于《交通地理》2003 年第11 期(Journal of Transport Geography, 2003, 11: 215–224),Elsevier 出版公司授权本刊发表中译文。

路易斯· 阿尔布雷克特(Louis Albrechts),比利时鲁汶天主教大学,城市与区域规划研究所。louis.albrechts@isro.kuleuven.ac.be 

汤姆· 科彭斯(Tom Coppens),比利时鲁汶天主教大学,城市与区域规划研究所




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